Dearest Readers,

Well, this is the first time posting on the new website. Change is never easy and I already miss the hot pink flavour of the Blogger blog but with this site you can leave comments and I can feel safe from the porn spammers.

A cool thing happened yesterday, which was just another one of those follow-your-intuition-and-be-amazed kind of things, and it’s worth mentioning here.

Many months back I was “friended” on Facebook by a woman named Laura Hollick. I didn’t know her from Adam but I liked her photo and she introduced herself as a Soul Artist, which I found intriguing.

Recently, she sent me a link for a Teleclass she was leading called Follow Your Heart and Make Money. Since her approach seemed to be in alignment with my own desire to be fully self-supporting through my own artistic contributions I signed up.

During the second class we were asked to “ask” our True Leader, which I interpret to be Higher Guidance and for the purposes of this class I am calling Inspiring Light, what 3 actions we could take to honour the process and create Flow.

After taking the time to get quiet, ask and listen, I heard the Still Small Voice of Intuition responding and wrote down the actions I was to take. One of them, surprisingly, was to call the Chartered Accountant with whom I’d been in touch about doing a corporate tax return. He had given me some advice and I’d thanked him and said, “I’ll take it from here.”

Hiring a CA is expensive and I was convinced I could figure it out myself.  So I would call my father, a lawyer who is good with numbers and he would say, “Well, if you had an accountant…” as we struggled to understand some of the more complicated details.

Why was I resisting professional help? I have the money. There was absolutely no reason for me to NOT use the CA. Fear of spending the money, yes. Fear of letting go of control, yes. But other than that, it made very good sense.

Walk through your fear.

So I called and made an appointment.

When I walked into their offices yesterday the man I had originally spoken to on the phone came to greet me. I recognize him immediately. He attends the United Church, to which I sometimes go in order to ground myself spiritually. In that moment, I felt like I’d been led right to the Source.

So once again I am shown that when we ask and are willing to listen, we are supported and guided toward our Highest Good. Even with taxes!

Inspiring Message of the Day: Where am I looking for Guidance? I will ask for what I need today, for my next steps to be shown to me and I will trust that the answer will lead me to my Highest Good.