I’m in Kamloops, BC, for a conference and being here reminds me of the Dennis Lee poem “In Kamloops”, which contains the line I’ve chosen as the title for today’s blog.

I didn’t know where Kamloops was when I was a kid and when that poem was read to me by my parents but I imagined it was somewhere in boot country, where everything was made of boots, or looked like boots.

From what I can see, most of the city is in a valley surrounded by low-rise mountains, which are brown like the desert and look just as dry. But it’s beautiful. I really like the way it looks. It doesn’t have the lush green of the coastal rain forest nor does it have the rocky magic of the mountains but it’s got Dennis Lee and it’s got my vote.

Kamloops, visually impressive: check.

For your Inspiring Message of the Day today I’d like you to visit my friend Leanne Coppen’s blog. It’s her one-year anniversary blogging for Chatelaine about her experience living with breast cancer.

She’s a witty, honest scribe and I love her dearly. Check it out:


If for some reason the link doesn’t work, Google “Chatelaine”, click on Blogs and choose “Living with Breast Cancer.”